I decided to build a simple dipole for 10m. I want to operate PSK31 so my antenna needs to be tuned to 28.120 MHz. I calculated the length and I used two 99.86 inch 14 gauge solid copper wire. The total length is 16 feet and 7.7 inches. I have a HFT-10 transceiver and SignaLink connected to my Windows 8 computer. The 1:1 Choke Balun was made by winding 6 turns of RG-213 on 4 inch PVC sewer pipe. Then I removed the PVC pipe and wrapped the balun/choke with electrical tape. The center insulator was made by using the PVC T-Joint and the coax was soldered to banana jacks. Since I will be using the antenna in my attic I didn't make it waterproof. I could use pvc cups and put epoxy inside to seal it. Please click on the picture to see big images. |